Rob Goyette's Bonus Package For Free Sessions That Sell
I Stepped Up My Game And Called In Some Favors For You...

=>Offer Closes At 7PM PT<=

Cart Closes Friday Night June 28th @ 7PM Pacific (Not Midnight)


"I’m so committed to seeing you get lots of high paying clients that if you study the training, do the coursework, and implement my system and you don’t get clients, we’ll give you the extra support you need. If you still don’t get clients, I don’t deserve your money and will happily give you a refund during the 60 day guarantee period."

You've Got Absolutely No Risk!

[FSTS FREE] $2,000 "Fast Revenue Coaching Bucks" that you can use toward any of my programs. It's like getting Christian's program for free! You can use your FRC Bucks any way you like and they don't expire! You can use them toward a VIP Week in Puerto Rico with me where we set up your automated webinar marketing funnel, join my upcoming Strategic Implementation Mastermind in January, any existing or future courses I offer, time with me or members on my team - whatever you like!

[LASER COACHING] This is the course I'm best known for and it teaches you how to create, sell, and deliver 15-minute laser coaching sessions to clients. Coaches earn an average of over $500/hour with this model and you'll get my course that teaches you everything you need to make this work in your coaching business - in any niche!

[AUTOMATE YOUR WEBINARS] You can use automated webinars to fill your calendar with free sessions, use them to sell laser and accountability coaching, sell online courses (I've sold over $969,000 of my main online course with automated webinars), sell high-ticket VIP Weekends, and basically help people say yes to whatever you'd like to offer them. This course shows you how to create, deliver, and sell with automated webinars so you have a 24/7 system out there teaching great content and making irresistible offers.

[VIP WEEKENDS] If you'd like to have an irresistible, high-ticket offer, then VIP Weekends are the solution! This course will show you how to create, sell, and deliver a system for your clients to get ongoing results. And the way you'll package it is irresistible (I've sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of these weekends to a relatively small audience).

[SELL OTHER PEOPLE'S PROGRAMS] You know what's great about selling other people's stuff? You don't have to do anything once the sale is made. I recently released my Fast Revenue Affiliate Marketing Online Course, and it shows you a high integrity way to build selling other people's stuff into your coaching business. I've sold over a million dollars of other people's programs and this additional revenue has paid all my bills, helped me hire a team, and even get great JV partners to sell my stuff in their businesses. I haven't seen anyone teach this way of adding additional revenue into a coaching business and it works REALLY well.

[ACCOUNTABILITY COACHING] - This is my newest coaching model and it outsold "laser coaching" by a factor of 10 when I shared it with my audience. The great thing about this model is that it works even outside your niche (or if you don't have a niche yet), and coaches earn in 2 months what would take a year with laser coaching. You'll get everything you need to create, sell, and deliver this very innovative spin on traditional accountability coaching.

[IN YOUR CORNER AND ON YOUR SIDE] 5 Years (240 Calls) of Hot-Seat Group Coaching through my Radical Results Mastermind Platinum program! That's right, for the next five years, you'll be able to come to any of our hot-seat coaching calls and get help on marketing, technology, and strategy! These calls are held the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 10am and 6pm Eastern (4 calls X 12 months X 5 years = 240 calls) and you can attend as many as you like to get support! People love these calls and leave feeling inspired and excited to take action.

[ROB AS YOUR STRATEGIST] Five One-Hour Strategy Calls With Me That Don't Expire! Keep these in your back pocket for when you need them. You'll get a link to my calendar and can have five of these powerful, focused, 60-minute calls with me when you need some high level strategy. I recently had a coach tell me that just 4 hours of my time was worth more than $10K - and you'll get 5 hours with me for free with this bonus...

[MASTER A.I.] Get ready to learn how to run your coaching business with Fast Revenue A.I. You'll learn about the best free and low-cost A.I. tools to help you in areas like: How to Research (so you can skyrocket your expertise & find the best A.I. tools); Get Creative Help (when you've got writer's block or need ideas); Media Mastery (to help you create awesome videos, audios, documents, and graphics); Product Creation (create online courses, lead magnets, and other assets quickly); Selling (so you can leverage some powerful A.I. technology to sell more), Time Savers (so you can get things done much faster and focus on the 80/20 in your life and business), and MUCH more.

[MICHAEL NEELY'S ZERO TO LAUNCH PODCAST ACCELERATOR] This powerful $1997 podcasting program is something that Michael sells from stages and you can read all the details here. If you're ready to launch your own podcast, don't miss this bonus...

[ROB PROMOTES YOU] - I'll Promote You To My List! That's right! On August 12th and 13th, I'll share your offer in 2 emails that go out to my list, and I'll "bribe" my audience to say yes to you! Your offer will be listed in one of several categories and the people on my list who want your offer can click your link to go and sign up with you! You don't need to pay me any affiliate commissions. You can use this to get free sessions, build your list, or sell something. I'll give you clear instructions on how to make your offer as attractive as possible and tell you exactly what I need from you and when. My list is over 20,000 awesome coaches and I'd love to introduce you to them!

[YOUR MASTERMIND GOLD MINE] My good friend and mentor Simon Zutshi (meet Simon in 93 seconds) has sold and delivered over 75,000,000 Pounds (not Dollars) in Masterminds over the last 17 years. And I can't believe he said "Yes", but he's willing to lead a 3-hour masterclass for you to learn to create, sell, and deliver masterminds in your business. Almost all the big leaders in the coaching space have a high-end mastermind and maybe you should too. This live online 3-hour zoom meeting workshop will show you how your own Mastermind is the most effective way to increase the money you make, in less time while having more fun. Simon recently sold his Mastermind Business for an 8 figure sum and I'm thrilled you get to learn from him! The live workshop will be a transformation game changer for you if you want to create, sell, and deliver masterminds. Mark your calendar for July 24th from 11am-2pm Eastern - you don't want to miss this!...

[MASTER YOUR MINDSET] - One year of mindset laser coaching with Nina Cooke! I give Nina credit for my business hitting my first $30K month, $40K month, and $70K month. I later hired her for the very same program you’re getting and did over a million in sales. Once you let Nina uncover and remove your limiting beliefs, amazing things can happen in your business and you'll get her for an entire year!

[GET IT DONE] Five full years in my incredible "Power Hour" program! This is the second most powerful thing I've ever done in my own business, and you're invited to make amazing progress in your business as well! We meet Sunday - Thursday every day at 5:00PM Eastern, share what we're going to work on, work for about an hour, and call back in to celebrate our progress. PLUS, you'll get access to my network of Power Hour hosts so that you can attend even more sessions and show up when you're ready to ROCK! And now... bring your assistant for free (hint: this is powerful)!...

[THINK AND GROW RICHER] My good friend and 'Think and Grow Rich' Master Dan Klatt has studied and taught Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich material for more than 20 years. And I'm over the moon that Dan said "Yes" to leading a high-level full-day Think & Grow Rich Mastermind that would normally cost $10,000 to attend. You'll be going deep inside all 13 of the Steps to Riches responsible for creating more wealth than anything in history. You'll also get access to the 3 recorded calls Dan led for my Radical Results Mastermind to introduce the book and its teachings (I highly recommend you watch them before attending this training - Dan is selling them for $997, and they're worth far more than that). Mark your calendar for Tuesday, July 30 for this full day event - Dan is probably the most passionate presenter I know. If you're ready to Think and Grow Richer, you're gonna love this!

[MONETIZE YOUR LIST] My newest course just wrapped up this month to teach you how to earn more revenue by marketing to your email list. The metric most marketers agree on is that you should be earning at least $1 per month for each person on your email list (I've reached as high as $15 per subscriber in a month, with a list of over 20K). I'll give you the strategies to show you how to earn much more revenue in a heart-centered way from your email list...

[WRITE YOUR BOOK IN A WEEKEND] Donna Kozik has been leading this $1999 program since 2008 and I can't believe she's letting me give this to you as a bonus (Thanks Donna!). This live workshop will be on October 19-20 where she guarantees that you will have a completed manuscript by Day 2. If you've been wanting to author a book, you can get it done in these 2 days.

[WEBINAR CONCIERGE SERVICE] Automated Webinars are a 24/7 dream come true to teach great content and make irresistible offers. I've generated over $969,000 by selling an online course with just one automated webinar, and I'd like to help you do the same! I'll send you script templates for Free Sessions, Laser Coaching, Online Courses, and VIP Weekends and we will work with you on creating your powerful automated webinar. I'll even host it for free, so there's no software for you to buy. We will optimize your script, I'll have my team create your slides and create the video, then we'll take your webinar and get it online for almost passive-income!...

[MASTERMIND WITH ROB & CHRISTIAN] Come to a 6-hour virtual mastermind with me. Christian will pop in for a few hours so he can share how to get the very best results from Free Sessions That Sell, and you can ask him any questions about anything. We'll spend the rest of our time masterminding to help you get the very best results in your business. You'll get the recording after the call. I recently led one of these bonus masterminds and was told the value of that day was worth as much as what someone paid for the $1997 course!

[SUPER EASY EMAILS] I'm thrilled to offer you free access to an incredible tool: Super Easy Emails. Created by my good friend and email marketing guru, Linda Flynt, this website boasts over 100 expertly crafted email templates designed to help you effortlessly build and nurture your audience, sell your coaching programs, ask for referrals, connect with promotion partners, and handle tricky client situations like declined payments and price increases. The best part? The software provides the copy for you, so you just fill in the blanks with interesting details about the work you do. Normally $997, you'll get a whole year of this game-changing resource for free. ..

[WATCH ME GROW MY LIST] I'm currently on a mission to add 100K coaches to my email list by implementing Alex Hormozi's $100M Leads book. You'll get access to recordings of 7 mastermind calls between now and the end of the year and all of my accountability coaching calls to learn from my mistakes and victories. If I decide to sell the recordings of this, I will likely charge $5,000. If you know who Alex Hormozi is and you want to grow your list like crazy, this bonus might be more valuable than all the other bonuses combined.

[BONUS ROADMAP] To help you get the most from Christian's program. This way you'll have a clear idea about how to get the most from Christian's program and the bonuses above 😃


"I’m so committed to seeing you get lots of high paying clients that if you study the training, do the coursework, and implement my system and you don’t get clients, we’ll give you the extra support you need. If you still don’t get clients, I don’t deserve your money and will happily give you a refund during the 60 day guarantee period."

You've Got Absolutely No Risk!

Christian Mickelsen has been in the coaching space for over 18 years and knows how to help you offer Free Sessions... That Sell.